
Engineering Boot Camp videos

My summer lab at NASA GSFC included a high school media team, who continuously had the rest of us on film. They compiled a great documentary describing the two main projects going on in the lab -- the Greenland ROVER and Lidar-Assisted Robotic Group Exploration:

Engineering Boot Camp Documentary 2011

There are some other videos up now, too -- click over to the GSFC robotics youtube channel; there are more than I'm linking here:

GROVER on the beach: The Greenland ROVER during a test run on the beach, during our trip to Wallops.

LIDAR image test: Watch a 360-degree image from the LIDAR sensor on one of my team's robots as it's formed.

I encourage you to take a look!


Looks like these videos are no longer up. Whoever was hosting them has taken them down. Alas.

You can find others videos and articles about the summer here!

Sunday, August 28, 2011 - tags: gsfc11 nasa


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